Walk for Hawks Results 2023

Thank you for a successful event!

The results are in! 85 Challengers joined The Raptor Trust and completed their very own personal migration distance— whether it was walking, running, hiking, or biking — during the week of Oct. 7-15 in our fourth annual Walk for Hawks migration season challenge. 

We beat our $10,000 goal and raised $11,757 to help migrating birds with 85 Challengers traveling a combined 2,931 miles! 

Congratulations to the winners! 

  • Bike: Barbara McKee (265.5) and Rick McKee (265.5)

  • Walk/Run/Hike: Deirdre Newman (108), Matthew Ritter (93.3), and Jack Stewart (49.5)

And to the runners-up! 

  • Bike: Courtney Hirschey (80.3) and Jason Hershfeld (246)

  • Walk/Run/Hike: Megan Lucignani (106.1), Matthew Karp (60.9), and Nolan Stewart (38.3)

And a special thank-you to Courtney Hirschey and Kris Ohleth, who raised the most for Walks for Hawks on their personal fundraiser: $1,175!

Thank you to all who joined! 


Volunteer Spotlight - Peggy Lefkin


Walk for Hawks officially starts TODAY