Attention: Avian Influenza (H5N1) Information

We are experiencing a high volume of calls regarding Avian Influenza (H5N1). For general information about the bird flu and public health, please visit:

New Jersey Department of Health - Avian Influenza

For information about wildlife and avian influenza, please visit:

New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife - Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

If you have found a dead bird you believe may have died from avian influenza, you can report it here:

New Jersey Fish and Wildlife - Reporting Form

If you have found a bird that you suspect shows symptoms of avian influenza, please contact your local animal control office for assistance. If you are unable to reach animal control, before bringing any suspected avian influenza cases to The Raptor Trust, you must call us at 908-647-2353 to arrange an appointment. We always ask that people set up an intake appointment, and when it comes to highly pathogenic avian influenza, it is crucial to do so.

Please refrain from calling or emailing to ask general questions. This will allow us to focus more energy on necessary bird care for our avian patients who are sick or injured.


Volunteer Spotlight: Greg Needham