Preventing Bird Injuries: Outdoor Environments
Many wild bird injuries are caused by, or related to, human activities. The vast majority of the injuries are accidental and often difficult, if not impossible, to prevent. But there are precautions you can take to minimize the chance of a wild bird becoming injured because of your activities. We believe the following suggestions will be helpful to you, and the birds.
We hope the ideas and suggestions presented here will help you in preventing avoidable injuries to our wild birds.
Lower Outdoor Nets
Birds, especially nocturnal owls, can be injured or killed as a result of becoming entangled in soccer and volleyball nets. Lower or furl nets after each use and take them down during the off-season.
Great Horned Owl soccer net
Pick Up Litter
Discarded plastic six-pack harnesses, used to hold cans of soda and beer, are a great hazard to birds and other wildlife. The harnesses are especially dangerous in water where they are practically invisible. Birds fishing or feeding in the water can easily entangle their bills and necks in the strong plastic rings. This usually leads to strangulation or starvation. Pick up any plastic six-pack holder you find and cut or pull apart the rings and recycle it. If possible, avoid buying products wrapped in these holders; most beverages are available with other packaging.
Fishing line (monofilament), kite string, and like material is also a danger to wildlife. Birds can become entangled in the line and be injured or killed. Pick up spent fishing line and string, cut it into small pieces and dispose of it properly. Monofilament fishing line is a recyclable product.