Volunteer Spotlight - Caroline Fernandes

A Volunteer Spotlight graphic with a photo of Caroline Fernandes standing next to her daughter and husband

Caroline Fernandes (left) with her daughter (center) and husband (right).

This month, the spotlight shines out on none other than Caroline Fernandes! Caroline's journey with The Raptor Trust began through her husband and daughter, both devoted volunteers. The Fernandes family's loyalty to TRT runs deep, and we're fortunate to have them.

Caroline serves as one of our most diligent and devoted receptionists. Her responsibilities include training new volunteers, organizing bird admits, and educating members of the public who bring us avian patients. It's not always easy to witness thoughtless behavior affecting birds, but Caroline finds solace in her work at TRT. She sees firsthand how many people go out of their way to bring injured birds to us, reaffirming her faith in humanity.

Beyond the rewarding work, Caroline cherishes the friendly environment at TRT. She's learned valuable lessons from both the staff and her fellow volunteers. As for her favorite bird, Caroline has a soft spot for the Northern Flicker.

Outside of TRT, Caroline also volunteers at Macculloch Hall Historical Museum in Morristown. Her passion and humor make her an invaluable part of our team. Thank you, Caroline, for all your hard work – The Raptor Trust wouldn't be the same without you!


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