Volunteer Spotlight - Nita Blatt

Our chosen Volunteer for this spotlight goes by the name of Nita. Nita has generously volunteered her time here at The Raptor Trust for over 20 years. She fondly remembers Dr. Soucy, having met him at a birding and photography club where he shared his story of hand raising a baby bird in his bathtub, sparking Nita's curiosity! She enjoys watching Robins hunt for worms and marvels at Albatrosses. Wanting to do more with her passion for birds, she began volunteering here with her beloved bicycling buddy Muriel, and the rest is history! She enjoys nitty gritty work here in the infirmary but Nita also takes extra care with the beautification of our grounds, tending to our flowers and weeding tirelessly. Even though summers around the trust get crazy, Nita thrives with our Summer Students and loves to hear all of the stories from the young people! Along with her partner in crime Caroline, they are an unstoppable force here on Thursdays. Nita is beloved by all here at TRT, it is only right to show admiration for such an enthusiastic, vital part of our team here. Thank you for all you do!


Volunteer Spotlight - Trish Gradley


2023 TRT Community Day Auction is Open