Jennifer Books

Jennifer Books has volunteered at The Raptor Trust since 1992, one of our longest-term team members. A life-long supporter of environmental, wildlife, and social causes, Jennifer's attention was turned towards The Raptor Trust when she found an injured crow in a park near her house 30 years ago. Jennifer and her family brought the crow to TRT, where she knew she wanted to start volunteering immediately, earning herself the distinction of being one of our youngest volunteers to ever start here. 

While Jennifer joined the TRT volunteer team specifically to help the animals, she now remarks that working with the staff, volunteers, and finders is her favorite part of being here. Jennifer feels as though the staff and other volunteers are a second family to her, and she loves being a part of the rehab journey of all the animals. The Raptor Trust is fortunate that Jennifer is always looking to engage in new ways. She currently assists TRT as a food-prep and cage-cleaning volunteer, a reception volunteer, and even helps with preparing supplies on days when she isn't scheduled to be here.


Volunteer Spotlight - Stephen Gruber


Volunteer Spotlight - Lin Chu