Volunteer Spotlight - Gaby Schmitt

This month's Volunteer Spotlight features the fabulous Gaby Schmitt, who first learned about The Raptor Trust when she responded to an email from the Conserve Wildlife Foundation of NJ seeking volunteer transporters.

As a dedicated “Raptor Runner,” Gaby picks up injured birds from Franklin Lakes Animal Hospital and takes them to TRT for care. After making a few drop offs, Gaby was impressed by the work being done here and decided to join our team! She is beloved by staff, and also serves as an excellent Volunteer Trainer.

Being a passionate birdwatcher, Gaby was always used to seeing birds through binoculars, so it has been a special experience for her to see her avian friends up close with the staff and other volunteers. It has only made Gaby a better birder! Gaby is partial to all raptors, but her favorite bird is the Great Horned Owl. Gaby has helped us release many Great Horned Owls and she says “nothing beats watching a GHO shuffle out of the carrier, shake and fluff its feathers, then 'magically' disappear into the night without a sound.”

Gaby also enjoys being able to connect with visitors at The Raptor Trust, answering questions and instilling appreciation in youngsters. The Raptor Trust would not be the same without Gaby. Her dedication to conversation and wildlife is much appreciated. Thank you, Gaby!


FINAL CALL for Early-Bird ‘Walk For Hawks’ Registration!


Volunteer Spotlight - Trish Gradley